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Writer's pictureEnjoying Life Fully

Spring Cleaning

Who is ready for Spring? In the Northeast, I am speaking for us all, we are ready! According to the Groundhog on February 2nd aka Groundhog Day, there were only 6 more weeks of Winter. Woohoo!

As Winter begins to exit and Spring is on the horizon, it’s ti

me for Spring cleaning. Spring is a time of new beginnings, growth, and hope. To many, that entails purging, cleaning closets and changing out clothing, planting, clean

ing yards and garages, and planning for vacays! The overload of life needs excavating! Coupled with the added disruption of the pandemic, each of us have experienced a direct impact personally, relationally, professionally, financially, environmentally, mentally, and/or emotionally.

Let’s focus on Spring cleaning mentally and emotionally! Here’s some tips to jumpstart your emotional and mental wellness cleanse:

1. Schedule Space – set aside time to nurture yourself. Take inventory of where you are and how you are feeling. Life moves fast and we often forget to check in with ourselves. Maybe schedule a solo picnic with a journal or good read, take a walk, have lunch or dinner alone, practicing self-love and self-compassion. Life has a way of piling up our emotions and sometimes we don’t even notice our feelings. Sort through the emotions and attitudes that may be holding you back. Even revisiting New Year’s resolutions, Vision Board, or 2022 goals and intentions can help reorder the mind, spirit, and soul.

2. Simplify – outsource or resource. There’s an app for just about everything, or YouTube University and Google. How can you simplify life: grocery delivery service, home cleaning service, hire an organizational expert, delegate tasks and chores, order dinner in, etc. Unsurmountable tasks can be broken into manageable steps so that you are achieving and accomplishing without the added sense of feeling overwhelmed. Avoid spreading yourself thin. And you may enlist the services of a coach to remain accountable and to facilitate strategies to progress towards a mentally and emotionally healthier you.

3. Give Back What/Where You Can – giving to others, impacting others, creating community engagement are also underestimated aspects of cleaning our emotional and mental closet. Random acts of kindness and good citizenship refreshes our capacity to compensate for the toils of life.

4. Spark Joy – what in life, sparks joy for you? As you purge, whether clothing, household items, or relationships, consider what is bringing you joy. Negativity, whether feelings, relationships, or unhealthy coping only ruminate. This is space and energy that can be used to create positive, successful, fulfilling sparks of joy in life. Retain all of which produces joy and reevaluate that which doesn’t. Maybe it is time to “let it go…” – release. And in the same token, decide what you want or need more of. Attract it, claim it, create the space for it and believe it’s on the way!

5. Fresh and Fun – Think of fresh and creative ways to consciously experience fun. Reactivate a hobby, check the bucket list, or start out creating a “fun” list to engage in routinely. New habits take a while to form, so you may want to enlist a friend, family member, neighbor, or colleague in the fun. Keeps you accountable and expands the enjoyment!

6. Keep at it – don’t forgo working on your mental and emotional health. Whatever that looks like for you – when you feel best and healthy – maximize and multiply! You are needed, your gifts and talents are needed, and the best of you equals a better space and place for all of us! Commit to adding one or two purposeful practices and good habits to support your emotional and mental well-being:

- Exercise

- Supportive friends

- Prayer

- Meditation

- Journaling

- Adequate sleep

- Learning

- Art and creative endeavors

- Quality time with family and/or spouse/significant other

- Gratitude Reflecting

- Healthy boundaries

- Self-forgiveness

- Seeking help of a coach or trusted friend

These tips are intended to support the emotional and mental Spring cleaning, serve as strategies to gain greater awareness, and improve overall wellness. Wishing you a healthy and fulfilling Spring!

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