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Vulnerability over Depression

Guest blogger: Nafeesah Leverett

When I decided to start my blog back in July, I had no idea where this was going to take me. I started this blog as a tool to help me get over depression. I was learning to be vulnerable and real with myself. It will be the only way I can truly heal from my pain.

I would like to share how I have applied a few of these core values to my life and how I am becoming a better woman for it.

Accountability- I had to expect the reality. I was depressed, broken and I needed help. I was ashamed and didn’t want others to know because I was scared of how people would look at me. For the help to begin, I had to accept responsibility for the part I played in my life. For every action, there is a reaction. I have not always made the best choices, but these decisions have put me in a place where I can use my tests as a testimony to help someone else.

Authenticity- This was something that I struggled with throughout my adult years. Since I was happy in my life, I was trying so hard to become someone else. I wasn't true to myself. I wanted to fit in wherever I can. I allow people to hurt, abuse and use me just because I wanted someone to say they loved me. We are made unique for a reason. Use your personality, spirit, and character to bring joy to someone else.

I started Build Her Up to help a woman from all walks of life. No matter where you are in life God can use you for H

is purpose. If we continue to use these core values to uplift women, we can make a difference in someone’s life. God has blessed every one of us with a unique talent, and we should use it to help someone else on their #faithjourney and always remember Real Queens Fix Each Other’s Crowns.

Nafeesah Leverett

CEO of Build Her Up, LLC

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