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Guinera Curry, Founder

2018 Still Loading...

Still Loading….

Feeling like 2018 is still loading? Where’s the passion and excitement of January’s goal setting? Have any New Year's resolutions already tanked? Are there distractions to pursuing your goals?

Well, here are some surefire tips to get you back on track and to finesse 2018 goals and resolutions. Let's apply the SMART (Specific; Measurable; Achievable; Realistic; Timely) acronym:

1. Dream again…seriously consider what you want to achieve in each area of life: Fun and Recreation, Career, Financial, Health and Wellness, Friends and Family, Romance and Relationships, Personal Growth, Environmental, and Spiritual. Cast a vision. Write it down.

2. Review original goals or new year resolutions. Be sure the goal was not made in haste and is something you truly desire to achieve. If so, get it on the new list; if not, let it go. Don’t even think about it. Free up the mental, emotional, and intellectual space associated with it.

3. Once you have your list compiled, determine if goal or resolution is specific. Simply and clearly define the significance of the goal. Outline how the goal impacts your current reality.

4. Next, how will you know if the goal is achieved? Is it measurable. Quantity or quality are the source of measuring. Include meaningful and motivating aspects to inspire prioritizing goal. Define the measurable and the significance.

5. Next, consider whether the goal or resolution is achievable. Do you have the capacity and resources to effectively work towards the goal and master it. Seriously, can you achieve the goal? At times I’ve set goals that are beyond my achievement in ability or access. Adjusting the goal whereby accomplishment is attainable may occur. Mindfulness of what one can achieve is necessary. Be kind to yourself; be honest with yourself.

6. How realistic is the goal or resolution? If I cannot share the goal with an accountability partner or inner circle member without contemplation or side eyes, perhaps I am extending beyond reality. Close friends, mentors, and accountability partners can be great resources in assessing the relativity of a goal or resolution. I’ve been blinded a time or two, looking through my obscured personal lens. No one wants to experience defeat or feel unaccomplished. Avoid by ensuring it is realistic.

7. When will the goal be achieved? Have you set a timeline? Have you set a deadline for goal attainment? Rethink or set a goal with a time sensitivity to activate your energy and focus. Timeliness in achieving goal will fuel self-confidence and self-worth. Don’t underestimate the time needed nor overestimate.

So here’s an example of a SMART goal:

During 2018 (time) I will apply for certification (realistic) in the field of mental health first aid (specific) to grow my experience and expertise (achievable) to expand services to clients (measurable).

Apply this exercise to every goal. June is your indicator and trigger to get back in the game! You still have more than half of the year to fill your success tank! You are not on “E”, you are now on “Full”. Roll those goals out! Share goals to maintain accountability. And keep goals in the forefront of planning and pursuits!

Be goal driven, goal focused, and a goal digger!

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