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Guinera Curry, Founder

DOPENESS doesn't come easy...

Dopeness Doesn’t Come Easy….

Have you ever felt as though your personal dopeness was elevated at a level that you yourself were surprised at how you piqued? Have you ascended to a level that caught you by surprise? When’s the last time you said, “Sis…I am proud of you! Sis, you doing thangs!”

Regardless of when it was, how it was, or if you are in route now (speak it!), that’s the manifestation for 2019! There is room for us all at the table and we will GO HiGH in 2019!

Some nuggets to align you for extraordinary greatness and growth (and Dopeness) in 2019:

• Have a strategic plan for growth—Look, the reason we struggle with growing consistently is that we probably do not have a plan for growth. If we do have a plan, it is because we failed to work that plan. Have a plan. What do you think growth looks like? How do you think you can grow? Have a plan and work that plan. Habakkuk 2:2 reminds us to “write it down, make it plain.” Attend a vision board party or engage personalized life mapping sessions.

• Don’t stop reading—There are times where we lose time to read (social media, tv, vegging out). Never cease to read. Sure, one day I may read for two hours, another day, I may read for 15 minutes. Always read! Before bedtime, ask yourself, “What have I read today?” Could be devotion, article on new innovations, favorite genre, or the newspaper (I know, what’s that LOL)…simply put, keep reading!

• Surround yourself with growing people—Surround yourself with the type of people who will sharpen your personal development. Be around people who are growing so that can ignite something within you.

• Take risks—One of the things that grows me the most is when I try something crazy because God said “Go” or “Do”. Now, make sure He is on board, but do not be afraid to take risk, or you will plateau early. Let’s not do crazy, just to do crazy or to experience the adrenaline rush of taking the risk, experience the faith of God’s plan and purpose catapulting us beyond our own capacity!

• Schedule your day—I have a schedule. It took a good while (and missing of significant personal and professional events, late response to emails, etc.) for me to get it where I have prioritized areas of life. And don't forget self-care (gotta take care of me). The Big Rocks are important. I am scheduling my life a lot better yet leaving space for the spontaneity of life too. Whether it’s your smart phone, planner, or paper calendar, use what works best for you. It helps tremendously Schedule your day and be organized about it. I learned when I do not have a schedule or specifics to-dos, I always get less done. Cancelling procrastination and time waste in 2019!

* Get a Coach, Mentor, or Accountability Partner – We cannot get there alone. In addition to surrounding yourself with growing people, identify persons to inspire your growth and attainment of goals and aspirations (coach), and/or someone to motivate you towards that specific area of focus (mentor), and/or someone that will keep account of your behavior, actions, and activities related to growth (accountability partner). Not the most comfortable step, however it is the most empowering step! It's not letting go, it's stepping up the game sis!

Share your thoughts…we know you have nuggets too! Drop the gems sis! On to DOPENESS!

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